Vote for Scooter

Please take 30 seconds of your time to vote for my buddy Scooter. Seriously, less than a minute! His humans entered him in a contest and if he wins, he could finally be able to get the stem cell therapy that he so desperately needs! He was deemed “an excellent candidate” for it! Best case scenario: he could walk again! Worst case scenario: he could regain some movement back in his paralyzed limbs.
I’d explode in joy and cry my eyes out if I saw my fellow wheelchair warrior walk! His case could also be used as an example of what stem cell therapy means to the human spinal cord injury community, of which I’m a part.
Oh, he’s also in dire need of a new wheelchair and some of the prize money could be used to get him one. His old wheelchair is too small and uncomfortable for him now. They have to use safety pins to get it to stay put and sometimes they come undone and poke him. ?
I reached out to companies that manufacture them to see if any might donate one to him to no avail. ?
Please click on the link below to vote for Scooter. Remember that you can vote once a day.
PLEASE share this post and/or tag friends to help me spread the word. ?
Below is also the link to Scooter’s stem cell therapy fundraiser if you’d like to help. Thank you!
P.S. If you’re on Instagram, make sure you follow Scooter’s adventures at

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